Sorry had to make it big for dramatic effect. He gets to shoot missiles, guns with bullets as tall as your hand and fly at the same time. What guy wouldn't like that. Heck I would like that. The Apache has some pretty cool technology. He will come home and tell me some of this stuff that it has or what he has learned and it is pretty amazing. He is about a month into this course. Our last and final course until our journey home. It will last a good 6 months.
We recently celebrated 12 years of marriage together. He ended up having to fly on our anniversary so we kept it simple. We ate banana splits out on our back porch after the kids had gone to bed (Thanks James Noble). I made him a jar of Hershey kisses and on each on had a word taped to it that said why I loved him. There were a ton. It was fun to see how many reasons why I love him. I also made him his own 5 and 9's of Marriage. OK I guess I have to explain. They have what is called 5 and 9's for the helicopters and what they are are the rules for the helicopter. It also has the limits that a helicopter has. Thus the limits are the 5's and the rules are the 9's. Anyway so made up my own and we got quite a kick out of them. He bought me a frame for my diploma! Yeah! We had fun and it was nice and relaxing.
That is so cool. I am excited for him. Doing what you love, is such a blessing.